Guidelines For Authors

Macedonian Journal of Anaesthesia (MJA) is a scientific journal of the Macedonian Society of Anaesthesia (MSA) and Macedonian Society of Critical Care Medicine (MSCCM). The aim of this specialized medical journal is to speed and promote scientific achievements, novelties’, clinical experience’s, reviews, controversial topics in anesthesia, reanimation and intensive care, as well as other correlated medical branches.

The Journal is published four times a year (April, June, October and December), but addi­tional supplements might be published when needed. MJA publishes original articles in basic and applied research, review articles, case studies, therapeutic and technological innovation, discus­sions, critics, surveys, impressions from meetings, information for international conferences and reviews of new books or variate.

Manuscripts that are published should have not been published previously. Manuscripts that have been previously published only in form of abstracts are eligible for publishing in the journal but should be followed by additional letter send to the Editor, where the abstract details are noted (abstract number, which book of proceeding or doi, date and place).

The authors are responsible for respecting the ethical guidelines for medical researches, as well as for all that is explained, attitudes, analyses and shown results.

The redaction sends the manuscripts to anonymous reviewing process from international or domestic reviewers and the Editors determine the definitive categorization of the manuscript. Once reviewed manuscript together with the reviewers’ remarks is send back to the corresponding author, after what the author is omitted to deliver the final form of the manuscript to the Editorial board within one week.

Editorial board has the right to publish the manuscripts according to the reviewer’s priority. The order in which the manuscripts are published does not reflect the scientific value of the arti­cle. The Editorial board keeps the rights to make changes to the manuscript to fulfil the criteria.


Manuscript should be sent together with the accompanying letter from the corresponding authors where declaration that the text has not been published previously is signed. Additional conflict of interests and confirmation by all the authors should be declared in this letter (example: Annex no. 1).

The guidelines for authors adhere to the uniform Requirements for Manuscripts submitted to Biomedical Journals:

Language and style of the manuscripts should be clear, simple to according the language, anesthesiological and medical taxonomy.

The manuscript has to be written in English Manuscripts should be written in Microsoft Word (*.doc format) with Times New Roman font and size 12. Margins on left, up and bottom should be 3 cm and right margin should be 2,5 cm.

The inline space should be 2. Do not use Bold or Italic letters for the whole text (only for parts that have to be emphasized). Manuscript should not exceed 10 pages (without the references).

Abbreviations and correct medical terms should be used according to the International Committee of Editors of Medical Journals ( Use only standard abbrevia­tions; use of nonstandard abbreviations can be confusing to readers. Avoid abbreviations in the title of the manuscript. The spelled-out abbreviation followed by the abbreviation in parenthesis should be used on first mention unless the abbreviation is a standard unit of measurement.


  • Manuscript should be organized in:
  • Title page
  • Text organized in IMRaD
  • Acknowledgments
  • Authors Contribution
  • References

Review articles, case reports, therapeutic and technological innovation, discussions, critics, impressions from meetings, information for international conferences and reviews of new books or variate may be written in different sequences and manners.


The title of the manuscript written in CAPITAL LETTERS.

Authors Surname and Name initial (Jovanov J, maximum 6 authors), without academic or other titles.

Name and address of the institution where the authors come from whit the subscribed digits

Abstract in English. Abstract should include up to 250 words and should contain goals of the paper, important elements from the methodology, concisely displayed results and conclusion. Each abstract at the end must have Key words: in alphabetical order.


  • Introduction,
  • Matherial and Method,
  • Results
  • Discussion
  • Conclusion

Review articles, case reports, therapeutic and technological innovation, discussions, critics, impressions from meetings, information for international conferences and reviews of new books or variate may be written in different sequences and manners.

Introduction section should include a literature overview in relevance to the elaborated problem. In this sections 3-5 key references are citied and this section should not be longer than 2 pages.

Material and method sections includes detailed description of the performances in the research as well as the statistical analyses used. This section should include: time during what the research was conducted, type of the study, place of where the research was undertaken, randomization or stratification used (clear description of the examined groups), exclusion and inclusion criteria, method, analysis types, apparatus and instruments used and referent values of the examined features (in SI-International System units).

Results are displayed in simple manner with text, images, tables and charts that are submit­ted in the text where author wants to stand, titled and numbered appropriately. Additionally, on separate document all carts images and tables are send together with the manuscript.

Title and the number of the charts and tables are placed above them while the explanations, abbreviations and comments are placed below. Images title and number is placed below and the image should include proper explanation.

Discussion section emphasize the key finding of the actual research and compares these result to other relevant literature data.

Conclusion section should not include more than 150 words and shoul be drown from the relevant elaborated results.

Acknowledgment and Author contributions sections are displayed after the conclusion and before the reference section.


This sections include only the citied references. The references are listed in order of ap­pearance in the paper and the citation is standard numbers enclosed in small brackets in the same line with the text ( ).

For each reference if more than three authors appear provide the names of the first three authors and followed by et al.


Journal references:

Nirmala BC, Kumari G. Foot drop after spinal anaesthesia: a rare complication. Indian J Anaesth. 2011; 55: 78 – 79.

Lynch EP, Lazor MA, Gellius JE, et al. The Impact of Posoperative Pain on the Development of Postoperative Delirium. Anesth Analg 1998; 86:781-785.

  1. Journal supplements:

AzmanJ, Frkovic V, Bilic L, et al. Korelacija I regresija. Acta Med Croat 2006;60 (suppl I):81-89.

  1. Books

Brown, D.L. Spinal, epidural, and caudal anesthesia. In R.D. Miller Miller’s Anesthesia, 6th edition. Philadelphia: Elsevier Churchill Livingstone; 2005.p 98-198

  1. Doctoral or master thesis

Jelisavac Cosic S. Urokinazni I tkivni aktivator plazminogena i njihov inhibitor u raku dojke (Master thesis). Zagreb: Farmaceutsko-biohemijski fakultet 2004, p.50

  1. Electronic reference

Dag Stat. Mackinnon A. Available from: http// May 5th 2006.

Webster NR. The anaesthetist as peri-operative physician. Anaesthesia. http://dx.doi. org/10.1046/j.1365-2044.2000.01722.x

References used from abstracts are marked as (abstr)., and from letters with (letter)


Prepared manuscript should be submitted electronically to:

All manuscripts that don’t fulfill the above criteria will not be accepted for reviewing

Accompany letter ANNEX no. 1

I ___________________. Here by declare that the article ____________________ (NAME OF THE ARTICLE) has not been previously published (fully or partialy) previously.

We autors____________________________________________________________________

_____________________________ (FULL NAME AND SURNAMES OF THE AUTORS AND SIGNATURES) are responsible for the etic, profesional and scientific content of the study.

I ________________________ (THE FIRST AUTHOR FULL NAME) declare Conflict of interest or declare non Conflict of interest.

______________________________ (FIRST AND SURNAME OF THE CORESPONDING AUTHOR, ………….. (ADRESS), ………….., …… (TELEPHONE NUMBER) …………, E-MAIL

Article Processing Fee

Authors submitting manuscripts to the Macedonian Journal of Anaesthesia are required to pay an article processing fee of 50 EUR, payable in Macedonian denars (MKD) according to the exchange rate at the time of payment.

Bank transfer details are provided below.

For Macedonian citizens.

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Client Details / Firm name: Zdruzhenie ZLARIL Skopje


IBAN Code    MK07210722000133054

Bank Details


Bank address  Mother Teresa 1

Country           Macedonia

SWIFT            TUTNMK22

The fee must be paid upon acceptance of the manuscript, and proof of payment must be submitted before the article is scheduled for publication.

For any questions regarding payment, please contact